Book an Appointment with Dr. Jonathan

You can use this form to automatically book an appointment time to meet with Dr. Jonathan Zenz. During the process of arranging this meeting you will be invited to share what type of meeting you are intending from among the following:

  • Spiritual Counseling
    If you have a challenge in your life, work with Dr. Jonathan to explore spiritual solutions. You can make your appointment for counseling to meet either in person or online via Zoom.

  • Unity Related Business Meeting
    For a team or committee lead looking for time to update Dr. Jonathan on your team or committee.

  • Plan a Service (Wedding, Memorial, etc.)
    Dr. Jonathan is available to coordinate and create services around the significant events in your life.

  • I have an idea to share with Dr. Jonathan…
    Dr. Jonathan is open to knowing what is on your mind! Have something to share that you think will enhance Unity of Tucson? Plan a visit!

In person meetings are held in Dr. Jonathan’s office at Unity of Tucson. Online meetings use Zoom video conferencing. If you opt for an online meeting a Zoom link will be automatically created and sent to you.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The times made available through this automated system are based on Dr. Jonathan’s preferred times for meeting. If none of the times works for you, or if you have an emergency, please call Tyler in the office (520-577-3300 x1) to see if an alternative can be worked out.