This week’s home practice:
Connect with someone new today. If you find yourself each week connecting with the same people, invite someone new into that circle. If you feel like the “newbie”: Just say “hello” or “may I join you?” and go from there.
This week’s service participants:
Reading/Affirmation/Prayer: Sue Krake
Keepers of the Flames: Jim Atwood/Tucker and Beryl Varno
Blessing the Offering: Laura Kass
Embrace Your DNA
This week’s home practice:
Make something with your hands that you’ve never tried before. It could be molding clay, weaving a small basket, or carving a simple shape from wood. As you create, focus on the process, not perfection, remembering that what you create is a product of your Divine Natural Authority.
This week’s service participants:
Reading/Affirmation/Prayer: Mirtha Nebeker
Keepers of the Flames: Greg Poling and Laura Kass
Blessing the Offering: Sandy Solomon
Arise and Thrive, It’s 2025!
This week’s home practice:
Write or meditate daily on one thing you are grateful for about the unknown; frame it as an opportunity for embracing divine possibility.
This week’s service participants:
Reading/Affirmation/Prayer: Dr. Debra Hobbs
Keepers of the Flames: Lyn Peterson and Laraine Pritts
Blessing the Offering: Silvana Servadio
This week’s home practice:
Make a conscious decision to remember and reflect on your Word/name at least three times daily. Notice where your Word/name shows up reflected all around you.
This week’s service participants:
Reading/Affirmation/Prayer: Sherie Hoffman
Keepers of the Flames: Mary Ahls and Beryl Varno
Blessing the Offering: Rev. William Gill
Glimmer of Love
This week’s home practice:
Be love in action.
This week’s service participants:
Reading/Affirmation/Prayer: Silvana Servadio
Keepers of the Flames: Lyn Peterson and Sherie Hoffman
Blessing the Offering: Rev. William Gill
Boundless Boundaries
This week’s home practice:
Keep an ongoing list of boundaries. As you discover them, write them down. Next to each boundary you find, write your assessment of it as “good” or “bad” and if you aren’t sure… write “pending”. At the end of the week, determine what works, what doesn’t, and act accordingly.
This week’s service participants:
Reading/Affirmation/Prayer: Ruth Starwell
Keepers of the Flames: Diane Christie and Laraine Pritts
Blessing the Offering: Mirtha Nebeker
What’s Next?
This week’s home practice:
Journal each morning upon waking and answer these questions:
What does infinite life mean to me today?
How might I demonstrate a deeper faith in the unfolding journey of Spirit today?
This week’s service participants:
Reading/Affirmation/Prayer: Rev. William Gill
Keepers of the Flames: Mary Ahls and Laura Kass
Blessing the Offering: Silvana Servadio
Upgrade Unlimited
Begin each day by affirming your willingness to embrace transformation. Stand or sit comfortably, and declare aloud:
I release what no longer serves me.
I welcome the divine upgrade in my life.
I am unlimited in love, power, and creativity.
This week’s service participants:
Reading/Affirmation/Prayer: Sandy Solomon
Keepers of the Flames: Laraine Pritts and Beryl Varno
Blessing the Offering: Rev. Felicia Searcy
Toss the Dice
This week’s home practice:
Take time this wekk to develop a global intention statement for yourself. Then, outline ways you might activate that intention in every activity.
This week’s service participants:
Reading/Affirmation/Prayer: Elizabeth Quinn-Worrall
Keepers of the Flames: Gregory Poling and Laura Kass
Blessing the Offering: Sherie Hoffman