The Twelve Powers

Spiritual Tools for a Magnificent Life!



Unity and early New Thought teachers developed a powerful tool for spiritual development and healing commonly known as “the twelve powers.” The teaching and practice of the 12 powers includes awareness of “power centers” in the body, similar to the “chakra” system in yoga. Using Rev. Linda Martella Whitsett’s text, Divine Audacity: Dare to Be the Light of the World, a modern approach to the study of the 12 spiritual powers, students will develop and learn to use on a daily basis: faith, understanding, will, imagination, zeal power, love, wisdom, strength, order, release, and life itself.


This is a hybrid course is offered for participants both in-person and online via Zoom.

Required Book:
Divine Audacity: Dare to Be the Light of the World by Linda Martella-Whitsett

The book is available for purchase at Unity of Tucson’s Desert Light Book and Gift Store.

7 class sessions meet each Saturday 10-12 AM

First meeting: March 2
Final meeting: April 20

There is no class meeting on April 6